Saturday, May 16, 2009

i have been a jerk..

you know..breaking up is not an easy is wonderful when u have someone that loves you and all..but there is time when wonderful things go feelings..this will be the worst break up story ever told by me..i really care you know..things do change..i just feel that things can end in more better way but breakup i no much better in any way..

people said that being single is break extra life just for is true..but human nature still applies in many way of an animal for it is infinite..people will search for it..even though it does hurt yet in will be healed..times heal everything so the old folks said..

i have been through a lot even for my age..i guess people will see it differently..i am old enough to experience many unwanted things..time changes..maybe in future people will experience things a lot faster you know..

this thing i wrote will be nothing but history too but i will try to preserve memories till it rots..history is a great thing..

i will remember this day..17th May 2009..

1 comment:

TauFiQ said...

breaking up.
i dont have to tell you that things happen for a reason.