Sunday, June 15, 2008

ouh today

hye update...again...will i ever get bored of this...hell yeah...

so..i went to hotstage gig today...a great event in a small hall...go i start leaving home at some 11am..or something like that..arrive in klsentral..waiting...a friend of mine..

know what...i hate writing on with the gig...

so i went in the hall around 2pm...ouh yeah...the gig starts way long before that..who cares...came in...trying to move to the front..end up standing in the middle because it was so damn packed and all the guys were like moshing around..a reminder...dont start mosh right away when u enter any will really get you wasted pretty damn fast...i know cause i usually do it...go me~

ok...anyway...on to the drama...because i was so wasted i went out to get some fresh air..not so fresh i must say because of the smoke...but complaints cause i smoke too...go me~ again...i went back up the hall being refresh...on the way up..there this guys yelling stop to me...i guess..and said 'bro..nk tshirt...'
i replied with a blur face on ' time a bro..tga penin pale a..=]..'

seacrh for a place to sit..have a sit...then came afiq...with no glasses was weird but i guess because it was beacause of the moshing..he did went to the stage...then he look at me with a grin and said 'nap..speck aku ilang dow..camne aku nk blk huh' was around 7pm at that on skipping the bla bla part...we decided to head back after buying a t-shirt...

blablabla...afiq used my glasses which dont give any effect at all..he cant even see the road sign clearly and still asking which way is the way...fuck least i got back home safe and sound...writing this thing...

p.s. i dont really have much to do at home...

until next time...

taken from my myspace blog dated-may 26 2008-

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